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Seminole Trails Elementary School
Seminole Trails Elementary School
Seminole Trails Elementary School
Seminole Trails Elementary School
Seminole Trails Elementary School

Seminole Trails Elementary School

PGAL’s education team worked closely with school administration and facilities staff to meet every project objective, including respecting the character of the existing school’s design.

The project includes a 53,190-square-foot renovation and 452-student station addition.

PGAL improved the school’s congested pick-up and drop-off area by providing a larger loop, a 34-car parking area for pre-kindergarten parents, and a turn lane that eases traffic on the surrounding roadways. A rerouted storm drainage improvement plan solved the school’s existing flooding issues.

PGAL provided site and phasing plans to maintain school operations and keep students safe during construction.

Features Include:

  1. 53,190-square-foot renovation and 452-student station addition
  2. Improved pick-up and drop-off areas
  3. Rerouted storm drainage improvement plan
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