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Webster Fire Station
Webster Fire Station
Webster Fire Station
Webster Fire Station
Webster Fire Station
Webster Fire Station
Webster Fire Station
Webster Fire Station
Webster Fire Station
Webster Fire Station
Webster Fire Station

City of Webster Fire Station

This 18,000-square-foot mission critical facility introduced a fresh aesthetic to Webster’s contemporary city hall and police station complex.

The building’s inviting, lodge-style façade incorporates limestone and clay brick, decorative concrete pavers, and a covered, stone-faced front porch. The blue metal roof visually links the new facility to existing buildings.

Varying rooflines accommodate a range of facility uses and enhance the structure’s overall stature. Two tower elements — one fronting an interior stairway and one housing regional training facilities — extend the station’s height and presence.

Architectural details include tower roof caps, white cast stone pendants, a prominent cornerstone, and clerestory windows in bays.

The first floor accommodates six apparatus bays, office, training room, lobby, and public areas. The second floor houses kitchen, dining, laundry, and storage spaces, plus a fitness center and 14 sleeping quarters. These amenities enabled the department to expand to 24-hour coverage.

Features Include:

  1. Inviting, lodge-style façade and a covered, stone-faced front porch
  2. Six apparatus bays, office, training room, lobby, and public areas
  3. Amenities enabling 24-hour department coverage, including kitchen, dining, laundry, storage spaces, fitness center, and 14 sleeping quarters
Volver Arriba