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South Montgomery County ESD No. 8 Station 11-6

PGAL provided programming and full architectural services for South Montgomery County Emergency Services District No. 8’s newest ground-up Fire Station, No. 11-6.

The 8,500-square-foot station has two fully secured drive-thru apparatus bays and houses five full-time Department personnel. Living program includes a full kitchen, living spaces, sleeping quarters, and administrative space. The masonry exterior and overall classic aesthetic of this fire station is complimentary to the master planned surrounding area and provides an iconic node to the community it directly serves.

PGAL also provided design for related site work on the raw undeveloped, approximately 2.24-acre site near the intersection of Discovery Creek Boulevard and Tara Lane. Discovery Creek Boulevard is the main thoroughfare to and from the property and now provides the fire trucks efficient access to the serviced community.

Features Include:

  1. Two drive-thru apparatus bays

  2. Full living program for full-time personnel

  3. Site Work for the 2.24-acre site

Volver Arriba