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PGAL Wins Two New Projects at Houston Methodist Community Hospitals

PGAL has been selected to design two new projects at Houston Methodist community hospitals.

At Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital, PGAL will design a new parking garage and bridge connector. Located to the south of the hospital’s existing Women’s & Children’s Pavilion, the 585-space parking facility will be constructed of a precast concrete structure and panels, with punched glazed openings at the elevator lobbies. The connector bridge will feature a steel structure with an aluminum and glass curtain wall system. Site development will include concrete parking, drives and sidewalks, landscaping, storm drainage and all utilities that will serve the new facility.

And at Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, PGAL is designing a new four-story parking garage, elevated walkway and related site work. The 619-space parking garage will be located to the west of the existing Sweetwater Pavilion and be constructed of a precast concrete structure and panels, with punched glazed openings at the elevator lobbies. The connector bridge will feature a steel structure with an aluminum and glass curtain wall system. Site development will consist of concrete parking, drives and sidewalks, landscaping, storm drainage and all utilities that will serve the new facility.

PGAL will collaborate with construction firm EE Reed Construction on both projects, following the design-build delivery method.

“These new facilities will enhance the patient and visitor experience at both hospitals, and we are eager to work with Houston Methodist to create these important community assets,” says PGAL Principal David Andrews, AIA.

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