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Broward Sheriff's Office Everglades Fire Station
Broward Sheriff's Office Everglades Fire Station
Broward Sheriff's Office Everglades Fire Station
Broward Sheriff's Office Everglades Fire Station
Broward Sheriff's Office Everglades Fire Station

Broward Sheriff's Office Everglades Fire Station

Located in the heart of the Everglades, this 6,900-square-foot fire rescue station is one of four Broward County fire station prototypes designed by PGAL.

Vehicles stationed at this location include a heavy rescue truck and pickup truck, along with an all-terrain vehicle and an airboat on trailers.

The facility houses a crew of three fire rescue personnel, a BSO patrol officer, and a battalion chief. The station also includes medical exam and treatment rooms, a commercial kitchen, and an outdoor barbecue area.

Features Include:

  1. 6,900-square-foot fire rescue station
  2. Medical exam and treatment rooms, a commercial kitchen, and an outdoor barbecue area
Volver Arriba