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City of McKinney Public Safety Complex
City of McKinney Public Safety Complex
City of McKinney Public Safety Complex
City of McKinney Public Safety Complex
City of McKinney Public Safety Complex
City of McKinney Public Safety Complex

City of McKinney Public Safety Complex

After completing a needs assessment for 15- and 30-year periods, PGAL designed this new police and fire department complex for the growing city of McKinney, Texas.

Based on current and projected staffing requirements, PGAL created a road map to plan for city growth and future capital improvements. The design centers on an easily expandable concept to accommodate future growth.

PGAL also prepared the design for a state-of-the-art public safety complex, which includes police and fire administration, plus an emergency operations center for disasters. The complex also features special K-9, SWAT, and crime lab units, as well as a fitness center and fueling station for city fleet vehicles.

Features Include:

  1. A needs assessment for 15-year and 30-year periods
  2. Design for the city’s state-of-the-art safety complex, including police and fire administration, an emergency operations center for disasters, special units, fitness center, and fueling station for city fleet vehicles
Volver Arriba