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City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building
City of League City Public Safety Building

City of League City Public Safety Building

League City’s new 74,000-square-foot public safety building is a state-of-the-art, multipurpose, fortified facility that provides resources for the community’s police department, fire department, and 9-1-1 dispatch and emergency operations center.

The complex includes the city's police department, jail, police and fire administration, conference and meeting rooms, information technology, records, 9-1-1 dispatch and emergency operations center, SWAT and officers' armory, evidence storage, and crime lab.

The jail facility is designed to hold 46 male and 12 female prisoners with a secure sally port and booking area, isolation cells, detox cell, day rooms, arraignment room, interview room, and attorney/client visitation rooms.

The evidence department has a large storage area with a high-density shelving system, separate secure storage rooms for drug and weapons evidence, and a drop-off area with lockers for evidence processing. There is also a full evidence processing laboratory with wet and dry fume hoods, chemical ovens, CA chambers, a digital lab, evidence viewing room, audio/video analysis room, and a vehicle evidence bay.

The building includes an 80-person training room, gymnasium, locker rooms, defensive tactics training room, and briefing room. A central, front lobby is designed as a translucent beacon to the community. The two-story, glass lobby connects citizens to police and fire departments as well as the second floor evidence and records departments. Citizens can even utilize a floating steel staircase that leads from the main lobby to the second floor lobby.

The 9-1-1 dispatch center includes approximately 1,500 square feet of call center space that accommodates 20 call stations. Quad-image projectors and six wall-mounted video monitors tied to the audio-visual system allow dispatchers to view any number of images, including traffic cameras, local and cable television stations, local weather, and call information. The center functions as a PSAP, and the GHC 9-1-1 equipment is housed in the adjacent server room. The dispatch center is also adjacent to the city's emergency operations center, allowing the two areas to share resources.

Site design services included grading, paving, utilities, and detention and storm sewer drainage for the 12-acre site including an access road design to provide accessibility to the facility during extreme events.

Features Include:

  1. Jail facility designed to hold 46 male and 12 female prisoners
  2. Evidence department, including secure storage and an evidence processing lab
  3. Central front lobby that connects citizens to public safety services
  4. 9-1-1 dispatch center with 20 call stations and state-of-the-art A/V systems
  5. Structure designed to withstand a Category 4 hurricane
Volver Arriba