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Administration Building at San Diego International Airport (SAN)

PGAL provided complete programming and bridging documents for the 129,000-square-foot administration building for the San Diego Regional Airport Authority.

The new facility, located at the airport’s West end, consolidates numerous departments, previously spread throughout multiple buildings, into one state-of-the-art, sustainable facility. The four-story, structural steel building houses administrative functions related to the Airport Authority as well as space for public functions, including a 4,200-square-foot Board Room, Innovation Room, and various meeting spaces.

The building’s design focuses on the health and wellbeing of the staff. The office features an open connecting inner staircase with a large skylight and an art feature wall that welcomes occupants to explore the four floors dedicated to the executive, external relations, finance, operations, information technology, and development divisions. Each floor has a break room and outdoor spaces overlooking San Diego’s downtown skyline.

The project is pending LEED Gold certification and features numerous WELL Building strategies focusing on environmental, building, and occupant health, including energy performance, enhanced indoor air quality, thermal comfort, daylighting, and acoustic design.

Features include:

  1. New administration hub for various departments previously spread over multiple buildings.
  2. Heavy focus on occupant health, environmental conservation, and energy performance.
  3. 4,200-square-foot Board Room that can be used for public meetings.
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