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City of Dayton Public Safety Complex
City of Dayton Public Safety Complex
City of Dayton Public Safety Complex
City of Dayton Public Safety Complex
City of Dayton Public Safety Complex
City of Dayton Public Safety Complex
City of Dayton Public Safety Complex
City of Dayton Public Safety Complex
City of Dayton Public Safety Complex
City of Dayton Public Safety Complex
City of Dayton Public Safety Complex

City of Dayton Public Safety Campus

The City of Dayton engaged PGAL to provide programming, design, and construction administration services for a new public safety facility. The combined fire/police facility consolidates and houses the city’s volunteer fire department, police department, and municipal court system into one complex.

During programming, the decision was made to house the police and courts in the same building and to create a separate facility for the fire department. With that in mind, a large piece of land north of downtown was chosen to accommodate the 30,000-square-foot, two-building public safety campus.

The police and court facility includes a sally port, individual offices that accommodate all officers on staff, and a training room that can double as an Emergency Operations Center.

Four apparatus bays in the fire department building allow the city to consolidate all vehicles in a single location. The facility’s on-site dorms serve volunteer firefighters, and its large meeting space and commercial kitchen can be used for community events.

Features include:

  1. Campus for police/courts and volunteer fire station

  2. Emergency Operations Center

  3. Flexible meeting site and commercial kitchen for community events

Volver Arriba