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Clark County Fire Station No. 30
Clark County Fire Station No. 30
Clark County Fire Station No. 30
Clark County Fire Station No. 30
Clark County Fire Station No. 30
Clark County Fire Station No. 30
Clark County Fire Station No. 30

Clark County Fire Station No. 30

PGAL was previously contracted by Clark County Nevada to update the design of their existing fire station prototype which had been in place for more than 20 years. Station No. 30 is the 2nd station to utilize the new PGAL prototype design.

The new facility provides Clark County Fire Department with a new location in the community that will provide vital services for the safety and health of the community and visitors through professional emergency response, fire protection, and public education. The new 10,535-square-foot station includes three apparatus bays, a captains’ office, fitness room, storage room, janitor’s closet and exits into the Apparatus Bay.

In the center of the building is the day room and the kitchen/dining area, with a separate dorm area that contains the EMS office/door room, eight individual dorm rooms with doors, three individual shower/restrooms a second storage room and the tel/data room. The dorm rooms are separated from the rest of the building for acoustical privacy.

An outdoor covered patio area with a built-in barbecue is also included in the new design.

Features include:

  1. Three apparatus bays

  2. Individual dorm rooms and restrooms

  3. Outdoor covered patio and built-in barbecue

Volver Arriba