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McCall Plaza

Located at the center of the Downtown Plano Arts District, this flexible outdoor public space accommodates a variety of concerts, plays, dance performances, and other community events.

The renovated plaza features a nearly 800-square-foot covered stage, extensive landscaping, and a reconfigured parking lot that can double as an audience space for larger performances.

The bi-directional stage provides the flexibility to host events at a variety of scales. When it’s not hosting an event, the stage serves as a shaded gathering space that can be enjoyed by the community at large.

As the heart of Plano’s burgeoning Arts District, McCall Plaza knits together the City’s growing array of cultural and entertainment assets. The plaza’s reconfigured parking lot includes designated spaces for food trucks, and a wide range of retail, dining, and entertainment options is available within walking distance.

Energy-efficient LED lighting allows the City to adapt the ambiance of the plaza stage based on a specific event, season, or special commemoration.

Features Include:

  1. Renovated plaza includes bi-directional stage, landscaping, and reconfigured parking lot
  2. Flexible stage can be configured to accommodate a wide variety of events
  3. LED lighting system can be modified to highlight specific events, seasons, or commemorations
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