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South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority
South Florida Regional Transit Authority

South Florida Regional Transit Authority

The design-build team of PGAL and Gulf Building oversaw the new design of the Pompano Beach SFRTA Headquarters and Tri-Rail Commuter Rail Station.  The project includes a three-story operations center and a four-story parking garage.

The 98,000-square-foot Headquarters Building and 477-car Parking Garage were designed to provide the Transit Authority with a new home for their office, operations, command, and public outreach departments, along with an adjacent garage to serve the building’s staff as well as the Tri-Rail commuters and general public.  Placed on a very tight site previously used as the parking lot for the riders, the new buildings needed to be constructed while keeping the station operational.

The new Headquarters Building includes a 175-seat commission chambers, management offices, a secure public reception area and a dynamic, open, three-story atrium connected to each floor with a communicating spiral stair. Another feature of the building is the 24/7/365 Command Center with N+1 back-up redundancy.

In addition to the Headquarters Building, the Parking Garage incorporates an array of sustainable elements, including a rooftop photo-voltaic (PV) system and car-charging stations. The new facilities were designed to meet the South Florida Regional Transit Authority’s goal of LEED Silver Certification but exceeded that goal, receiving LEED Gold certification. Other features include a pedestrian crossover structure, bus drop-off canopies and new pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems.

Features include:

  1. Replacement of existing commuter rail station and platforms, as well as design of new operations center and parking garage

  2. LEED Gold certified

  3. Existing station will remain operational throughout the project

Volver Arriba