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Kimley-Horn Headquarters
Kimley-Horn Headquarters
Kimley-Horn Headquarters
Kimley-Horn Headquarters
Kimley-Horn Headquarters
Kimley-Horn Headquarters
Kimley-Horn Headquarters
Kimley-Horn Headquarters
Kimley-Horn Headquarters
Kimley-Horn Headquarters
Kimley-Horn Headquarters

Kimley-Horn Headquarters

PGAL designed the new 29,000-square-foot offices for Kimley-Horn’s West Palm Beach headquarters.

Formerly in two buildings, Kimley-Horn’s West Palm Beach headquarters is now located in a relatively new, three-story shell office building. The company occupies the entire second and third floors and relocated an existing tenant from the third to the first floor.

The design team’s primary goal was to accommodate 120 engineers, planners, landscape architects, and support personnel in an efficient, functional, and cost effective manner.

Named as one of FORTUNE magazine’s “100 Best Companies to Work For,” it was imperative that Kimley-Horn’s interior provide a stimulating and productive work environment. As an international corporation, the use of corporate standards, branding, and signage was also paramount.

Glass-enclosed private offices located on the interior allow natural daylighting to pour into all of the workspaces, which have a 50:50 ratio of private to open office areas.

Features Include:

  1. 29,000-square-foot offices located in a three-story shell office building
  2. Accommodations for 120 engineers, planners, landscape architects, and support personnel
  3. 50:50 ratio of private to open office areas
Volver Arriba