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Joann Cole Mitte Library
Joann Cole Mitte Library
Joann Cole Mitte Library
Joann Cole Mitte Library
Joann Cole Mitte Library
Joann Cole Mitte Library
Joann Cole Mitte Library

Joann Cole Mitte Library

This 25,000-volume, county library occupies a prominent site along Highway 29 serving as a “gateway landmark” for downtown Bertram.  

At 8,550 SF, it includes a public meeting room, coffee shop, adult and teen areas, children’s library, staff and support areas. Naturally lit from raised clerestory windows, the interior features comfortable seating, study tables, public access computer stations, and wireless access throughout.

Exterior materials reflect local architecture: facades consist of a 10’ high base of “pasture stone” in a fieldstone pattern with copper-colored metal siding above, and a galvalume roof. A continuous covered walkway visually and functionally ties the facility to the historic covered porches common throughout Bertram. The roof and long clerestory windows bring to mind nostalgic images of agrarian buildings and train depots.

Sustainable features include east-west longitudinal orientation, high performance glazing, rainwater collection, high efficiency HVAC units, shaded windows, highly reflective roof surfaces, and water-efficient fixtures.

Features include:

  1. Energy efficient design
  2. Exterior materials reflect and pay homage to the surrounding community
  3. Serves as a gateway to the City
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