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Houston Data Center
Houston Data Center
Houston Data Center
Houston Data Center
Houston Data Center
Houston Data Center

Houston Data Center

Located on 79 acres adjacent to the client's main campus, this 265,000-square-foot Tier 3 module data center includes 100,000 square feet of raised floor area.

The client’s aggressive schedule required planning, design, and construction to be completed in 22 months.

The hardened facility is a cast-in-place concrete structure clad with precast panels designed to withstand a Category 5 hurricane. PGAL designed the structure to withstand temperature and shrinkage effects with no expansion joints and provided a 422-foot by 528-foot area of concrete roof plate.

The program included 35,000-square-foot computer room cells and 125,000-square-foot data center support space, as well as a 100,000-square-foot mechanical yard with 16 two-megawatt diesel generators.

Features Include:

  1. 265,000-square-foot Tier 3 module data center with 100,000 square feet of raised floor area
  2. Hardened facility designed to withstand Category 5 winds
  3. 35,000-square-foot computer room cells, 125,000-square-foot data center support space, and a 100,000-square-foot mechanical yard with 16 two-megawatt diesel generators
Volver Arriba