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Helen Miller Center
Helen Miller Center
Helen Miller Center
Helen Miller Center
Helen Miller Center
Helen Miller Center
Helen Miller Center
Helen Miller Center

Helen Miller Center

The City of Opa-Locka needed to move quickly on a grant to replace a damaged and rundown community center in Segal Park. PGAL was part of the design-build team that designed this safe and secure 6,000-square-foot, two-story space.

The design features the Moorish architecture unique to the City of Opa-Locka. The building contains a community hall, meeting rooms, and administrative offices, and will also double as an emergency shelter for the community.

The construction used solid concrete tilt-wall construction with uniquely shaped impact windows, form liners, and vivid colors that reflect the Moorish architectural style.

Project challenges included the discovery of poor soil conditions, which required 74 deep piles. PGAL also equipped the building with full security, including magnetic locks and 24/7 video surveillance.

Features Include:

  1. 6,000-square-foot, two-story community center
  2. Community hall, meeting rooms, and administrative offices
  3. Full security, including magnetic locks and 24/7 video surveillance
Volver Arriba