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Florida Gulf Coast University Phase 1 Implementation
Florida Gulf Coast University Phase 1 Implementation
Florida Gulf Coast University Phase 1 Implementation
Florida Gulf Coast University Phase 1 Implementation
Florida Gulf Coast University Phase 1 Implementation
Florida Gulf Coast University Phase 1 Implementation
Florida Gulf Coast University Phase 1 Implementation

Florida Gulf Coast University Phase 1 Implementation

Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) commissioned this prestigious 210,000-square-foot design, which included six major academic buildings and established guidelines for the overall campus.

This award-winning multi-building project was based on a previously completed master plan. Buildings include a library and administration building, two multipurpose buildings for classrooms, laboratories and faculty offices, a three-building student services facility, a family resource center, and an ice storage central energy plant.

PGAL designed a variety of innovative learning and teaching systems, including distance learning, computer assisted instruction, multimedia presentations, and business partnerships.

The architectural vernacular uniquely marries Florida Mediterranean with an Old Florida Cracker aesthetic. Covered walkways lead students from building to building while keeping them dry during heavy rainstorms.

Features Include:

  1. 210,000-square-foot design that established guidelines for FGCU’s campus
  2. Six major academic buildings
  3. Covered walkways designed to lead students from building to building in inclement weather
Volver Arriba