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Florida Atlantic University Comprehensive Master Plan and Master Plan Update

Florida Atlantic University Comprehensive Master Plan and Master Plan Update

To continue to support future student growth and technology demands on its landlocked Boca Raton campus, Florida Atlantic University needed to develop greater density.

Situated on a former military airbase in a high-growth urban area, the 850-acre Florida Atlantic University (FAU) Boca Raton Campus shares borders with an executive airport, Palm Beach Community College’s South Campus, a water treatment plant, and a research park.

PGAL served as the prime planner and architect for FAU’s 20-year comprehensive master plan and subsequent master plan. These plans were prepared in full accordance with guidelines adopted by the State University System of Florida and the appropriate Florida State Statutes. PGAL prepared building condition assessments and infrastructure surveys as part of the initial planning efforts in 1995, and in 2002, completed a full environmental and conservation analysis.

The master plan and subsequent update established an architectural design vocabulary with guidelines for future facilities. Campus circulation and roadways have been delineated and reconfigured to allow for multiple campus access points and traffic control. An access point directly into the campus from I-95 minimized the university's traffic impact on the surrounding community. By relocating campus roadways, the university achieved greater efficiency of parking areas, improved pedestrian connections, and created additional area for academic facilities.

The university also continues to integrate educational needs with educational growth requirements by prioritizing sustainable and LEED-certified design structures.

As outgrowths of the master planning process, PGAL has also provided FAU with extensive planning and coordination to enable projects including the football stadium, Innovation Village, community hospital, and a dedicated highway interchange to call home within this busy campus.

Services Include:

  1. 20-year comprehensive master plan and subsequent master plan
  2. Full environmental and conservation analysis
  3. Establishing architectural design vocabulary with guidelines for future facilities
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