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DFW High C Gates

DFW High C Gates Project Wins IDEAS2 Award

The DFW High C Gates project was recognized by the American Institute of Steel Construction as a Merit Award Winner in the 2023 IDEAS2 Awards’ $75-$200 million category.

The $115 million project included the abatement, demolition, and rebuild of the airport’s five High C gates (33, 35-37, and 39). The progressive design-build delivery of the new 80,000-square-foot terminal, with Design-Builder Archer Western and structural engineers Henderson Rogers Structural Engineers, introduced pre-fabricated modular construction for the first time in U.S. aviation construction.

Modular construction was used to maximize the speed-to-market schedule and help overcome the challenge of working on the occupied tight site. The new concourse consists of six individual 84’ x 84’ modules. The modules were constructed off-site approximately one mile away using conventional steel framing and then were moved to the final site using self-propelled modular transporters and set onto concrete columns.

Click here for more information on the award. For more information on the DFW High C Gates project click here.

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