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M.Y. Asia Food Hall at The Silver Legacy Resort + Casino

PGAL is providing the design for an existing 11,000-square-foot restaurant space at The Silver Legacy Casino into one of Celebrity Chef Martin Yan’s (Yan Can Cook) newly developed M.Y. Asia Food Halls.

The project encompasses branding direction for all new and upcoming M.Y. Asia locations and creates an overall vision of a large, contemporary, Asian-influenced venue that includes a traditional Chinese full-service restaurant, a fast-casual Asian Noodles and quick-serve element, bar and lounge, sushi bar, retail, and a dessert/tea space.

Also included is a private dining room and Chef’s table/space that can be used for demonstrations, setting the backdrop for the Chef as he makes noodles and dishes in front of an audience.

Features include:

  1. 11,000-square-foot foodhall

  2. Branding direction for all future M.Y. Asia locations

  3. Six offered options for drinking/dining

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