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East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building
East Aldine District Office Building

East Aldine District Office Building + Town Center Park

Located at the heart of the 61-acre East Aldine Town Center mixed-use development is the East Aldine District (EAD) building and Town Center Park serving as the heart of the campus.

The three-story, 24,382-square-foot structure is designed as a community building and includes spaces for the district offices, a large multi-purpose hall divisible into two separate meeting rooms for board meetings and community events, executive conference room, atrium building lobby, restrooms and a second-floor outdoor deck which overlooks the park below. The focal point of the building lobby is a historical mural that depicts the rich legacy of the area over the last 150 years.  The building also includes Harris County Sheriff’s Office functions and space for future tenants. 

The building’s function as the nucleus of the Town Center development is reflected by the contemporary design and mix of materials to represent the diverse local community plus its integration with the greenscape of the adjacent park.  Its grand porte-cochere and outdoor patio serve as an extension of the surrounding park development, which includes a performance pavilion with terraced event lawn, walking paths, stone-lined water feature with programmable fountain and splashpad and playscape area. 

Features include:

  1. 24,382-square-foot community and office building

  2. Second floor deck and outdoor patio that serves as an extension of the surrounding park
  3. Community park with event lawn, performance pavilion and programmable water feature
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