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Florida International University Police Department + EOC Expansion
Florida International University Police Department + EOC Expansion
Florida International University Police Department + EOC Expansion
Florida International University Police Department + EOC Expansion

Florida International University Police Department + EOC Expansion

The FIU Police Department is a two-story, 12,560-square-foot facility integrated into the structure of the University’s Parking Garage 5.

The facility has a visible presence at the ground level to maintain accessibility to the University community. Operations at ground level include a public lobby with access to dispatch and records, dispatch and surveillance center, campus support and record services, evidence and uniform storage, men’s and women’s locker/restrooms, squad room, secure weapons and ammunition storage, secure holding facilities complete with an observation work station, two detention grade holding cells and an interview room, secure sally port with pistol locker and eyewash station, and dedicated vertical circulation via a secure elevator and stair connecting Level 2 to the ground level.

The Administrative Department of the FIU Police Department occupies Level 2 along with secured access for over 40 patrol vehicles. This level incorporates a lobby, open plan break room, private restrooms, the Director’s suite and conference room, administrative and accounting services, operations and investigative services, special projects investigation, emergency management, evidence storage, and a secure interview room.

The expansion of the FIU Public Safety and Emergency Management facilities includes the infill of existing parking spaces on the second floor to provide a large emergency operations center, food storage and service operations, equipment storage, offices, conference rooms, and meeting breakout rooms. Additionally, adjacent existing space will be reconfigured to provide for a locker room, showers, sleeping space, laundry service, and offices that are needed during emergency events not only for Public Safety and Emergency Management personnel but also FIU essential personnel from numerous other departments, when activated.

Features include:

  1. 12,560-square-foot police department

  2. Administrative offices and full police/detention program spaces

  3. Emergency Operations Center

Volver Arriba