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PrepKitchen Little Italy
PrepKitchen Little Italy
PrepKitchen Little Italy
PrepKitchen Little Italy
PrepKitchen Little Italy
PrepKitchen Little Italy
PrepKitchen Little Italy
PrepKitchen Little Italy

PrepKitchen Little Italy

The third and largest of the PrepKitchen concepts, the restaurant franchise’s 5,000-square-foot location opened on the second floor of an existing commercial building in the heart of San Diego’s Little Italy neighborhood.

A foodie destination for farm-fresh, local, and seasonal cuisine, the design mirrors the vibrant and stylish Little Italy community. Inspired by a nearby local antique shop, the design evokes elements of a homey personal study, coupled with rustic quirks and unique bric-a-brac. Reclaimed finishes and unique architectural objects are integrated to create an inviting atmosphere. A warm blend of natural wood, whimsical tile, and clean brickwork softens trendier industrial elements such as exposed beam ceilings and unfinished metal pillars. Guests benefit from the inclusion of substantial natural light, thanks to the building’s corner windows, which overlook the streetscape.

Features include:

  1. Second floor, 5,000-square-foot facility space overlooking Little Italy.
  2. Large corner windows for natural light and streetscape views.
  3. Antique-style eclectic interiors with dynamic exposed kitchen.
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