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SFRTA Project

PGAL/Gulf Building Named Design/Build Team for $27M SFRTA Project

The South Florida Regional Transit Authority (SFRTA) has awarded a contract to the design/build team of PGAL and Gulf Building LLC for a $27M project that will include replacement of the existing Pompano Beach, FL Tri-Rail station and platforms as well as construction of a new three-story operations center and a four-story parking garage on the site.

The new facilities will be geared to meet the SFRTA goal of achieving a minimum of LEED Silver certification by incorporating an array of sustainable elements such as a photo-voltaic system and car-charging stations. Other project features include a pedestrian crossover structure, bus canopies and new vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems.

The Tri-Rail station will remain operational throughout the project despite work occurring over, under and around existing railroad tracks and infrastructure, requiring fine-tuned construction coordination. Groundbreaking is planned for Spring 2015.

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