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City of Houston Bethel Park

Bethel Park Wins 2015 Houston AIA Design Award

PGAL's Bethel Park project was awarded the prestigious 2015 Design Award by the AIA Houston Chapter in the Urban Design category. A total of 18 winning projects were selected out of the 117 submissions.

Judges for this year's program were Mark Lamster of the Dallas Morning News, Michael Maltzan of Michael Maltzan Architecture (Los Angeles) and Loan O'Herlihy of Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects (Los Angeles). The awards were established to recognize design excellence based on certain criteria, including quality of design, resolution of the program idea, sustainability, innovation, thoughtfulness and technique.

Congratulations to the entire Bethel Park team including our partners at the City of Houston Parks and Recreation Department, White Oak Studio, and JE Dunn Construction. For more information, visit:

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