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Kettner Exchange

The concept for the hip and versatile social club and restaurant was to create a social experience in honor of William Kettner, late congressman from the early 1900’s who brought character, kinship, and political cohesion to San Diego.  

The two-story restaurant and lounge features indoor/outdoor dining and socializing experiences that range from traditional dining, lounge, swinging daybeds, and private cabanas.  PGAL collaborated with fellow designers at Tecture who contributed unique design elements and custom fabrication, including wrought iron and wood.

Kettner Exchange demonstrates the concept of creating experiential vignettes within a given environment. Although the structure is not that large, one could have multiple dining and social experiences within the venue from formal dining, street level bar, lounge, view-centric informal dining, rooftop bar, private cabanas, and a chef’s table within the kitchen just to name a few.

Features Include:

  1. 8,000 square foot interior space, 3,000 square foot exterior space

  2. Indoor/outdoor dining facility

  3. Custom fabricated FF&E

Volver Arriba