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The Village School Phase 2

The second of a three-phased masterplan, this project includes a 42,000-square-foot expansion to the existing Phase 1 building (also designed by PGAL).

The addition includes eight general classrooms, a learning resource center, teacher work rooms, full-service cafeteria, and two teacher work rooms. To support the school’s strong STEAM program, the new facility includes more specialized learning spaces including four teaching laboratories, a technology lab, an art room with 3D print capabilities, a black box theater with sound and prop rooms, and a ballet dance studio.

The design and construction was fast-tracked so that design and construction was completed in 9 months in time for a one month move in prior to the beginning of the school year.

Features Include:

  1. 42,000 square feet of specialized, collaborative learning space

  2. Full-service cafeteria

  3. Black box theater with sound and prop rooms and ballet studio


Volver Arriba