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Midtown Mixed-Use Housing

Located a block from the center of the University of Florida campus, Midtown is a mixed-use student development that includes residential, retail, parking, and civic space. 

The six-story, 475,380-square-foot development features 310 student apartments wrapped around a 7.5-level, 553-space enclosed parking structure. The south portion of the residential building rises five stories above a retail and civic podium that fronts the city’s planned revitalization of First Avenue. Planned retail spaces include restaurants, a coffee shop, and a national retailer, as well as the relocated Catholic student center.

Building occupants will have access to the parking garage at every level as well as support spaces on the ground floor, including a management office, student activities center, fitness center, mail room, and courtyard with a water feature.

Features include:

  1. Off-campus student mixed-use development including residential, retail, parking, and civic spaces

  2. Retail spaces include restaurants, coffee shop, a national retailer, and the relocated Catholic student center

  3. Amenities includes management office, student activities center, fitness center, mail room, and courtyard

Volver Arriba