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City of Henderson Forensic Science Center - Crime Lab

PGAL oversaw the planning and programming of a new Forensic Science Center to meet the City of Henderson Police Department’s needs through 2025.

Designed in three phases, the 69,000-square-foot complex will replace an existing structure that is unable to accommodate additional staff and forensic functions. It includes a crime scene analysis and evidence vault area, state-of-the-art scientific laboratories, offices, work areas, process rooms, restrooms, and a break room. Functional areas include controlled substance, toxicology and blood alcohol, evidence processing and control, 10-print fingerprint, firearms toolmarks, and DNA. 

The modern facility will meet or exceed all current and projected requirements of major accreditation bodies while reflecting the highest forensic industry standards.

  1. New crime lab will meet the City of Henderson Police Department’s needs through 2025

  2. Designed in three phases, the 69,000-square-foot complex will include a crime scene analysis and evidence vault area, laboratories, offices, work areas, process rooms, restrooms, and a break room

  3. Forensic lab will meet or exceed all current and projected requirements of major accreditation bodies

Volver Arriba