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Whispering Pines Elementary School
Whispering Pines Elementary School
Whispering Pines Elementary School
Whispering Pines Elementary School
Whispering Pines Elementary School
Whispering Pines Elementary School

Whispering Pines Elementary School

Midway through the design process, a change in construction delivery method enabled PGAL to deliver this 12,000-square-foot classroom addition for $3 million less than the established budget.

With members of the educational team on site daily, PGAL ensured that the quality of documentation and finishes adhered with guidelines from project start all the way through post occupancy.

The facility contains 58 new student stations, including four Exceptional Student Education (ESE) self-contained classrooms, two ESE resource rooms, and two teacher planning rooms. The expansion also features a skills lab, ESE instruction, and administration suite.

The interior color palette for Whispering Pines is soft and soothing, with deep melon, sky blue, and moss green. All classrooms have ample natural light, which is conducive to heightened learning.

Features Include:

  1. 58 new student stations, including four ESE self-contained classrooms, two ESE resource rooms, and two teacher planning rooms
  2. Skills lab, ESE instruction, and administration suite
  3. Project delivered $3 million under budget
Volver Arriba