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Palm Beach County Judicial Garage
Palm Beach County Judicial Garage
Palm Beach County Judicial Garage
Palm Beach County Judicial Garage

Palm Beach County Judicial Garage

This two-level, 754-car addition to the downtown parking garage brought a total of 1,811 parking spaces to Palm Beach County’s Judicial Center.

This challenging parking structure expansion and improvement program was PGAL’s fifth project for Palm Beach County.

PGAL reconfigured the parking stall layout throughout the garage to increase capacity and maximize functionality. Each floor now includes 94,400 square feet of available space. Phased construction allowed the existing facility to remain operational during construction.

PGAL laterally strengthened the existing structure to conform to Category 5 wind load and code requirements. Upgraded lighting provides enhanced security and maintenance, while a parking access and revenue system increases exit capacity.

The design team incorporated architectural elements to complement the existing design, courthouse, and downtown area. PGAL completed the project on time and on budget during the height of the construction boom.

Features Include:

  1. Two-level, 754-car addition to the downtown parking garage
  2. Reconfigured parking stall layout to increase capacity and maximize functionality
  3. Lateral strengthening to conform to Category 5 wind load and code requirements
  4. Architectural elements that complement the existing design, courthouse, and downtown area
Volver Arriba