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NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4
NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and Dining Facility - Package 4

NAVFAC Southwest Quality of Life Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ) and Dining Facility - Package 4

Located at the Marine Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, California, these Quality of Life Facilities reflect the new breed of Bachelor Enlisted Quarters.

The facility includes 192 two-person rooms with multiple community areas and a dining area, offering a variety of options for Marines, much like an upscale apartment complex or college campus.

As design manager, PGAL configured all three BEQ projects using a combination of modules that are flipped and rotated in various configurations to capitalize on solar efficiency and provide an open layout where breezes can easily flow between the buildings.

Aesthetically blending with the existing buildings, the 445-seat dining facility provides abundant daylighting. With dining areas on the north side, the building’s orientation provides protection from the elements. The facility also features an expanded patio area with canopies and misters. The building’s exterior form is instantly recognizable, with an articulated roof that responds to the adjacent BEQs and site elements.

Capitalizing on the natural slope of the site, a 500-seat open-air amphitheater complex is located in the middle of the campus and serves multiple functions. The complex also includes a ninja warrior-style obstacle course, inspired by the “Ninja Warrior” television series. Over the length of 425 feet, the course provides 15 obstacles spaced 10 feet apart and equipped with impact-resistant ground surfacing for the entire length in order to prevent injury.

Features Include:

  1. 192 two-person rooms
  2. 445-seat dining facility with an expanded patio area featuring canopies and misters
  3. Ninja warrior-style obstacle course
Volver Arriba