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Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land
Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land
Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land
Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land
Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land
Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land

Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land

PGAL revitalized the 1939 Central State Farm Prison Building into the aesthetically pleasing, 43,000-square-foot Museum of Natural Science annex.

The City of Sugar Land commissioned PGAL to design this museum annex in a former prison facility that closed in 1969. The two-story portion of the building housed inmates, while the three-story portion served as the administrative wing.

The split-level layout presented a major challenge for the design team in converting the facility into an open, walkable museum. PGAL performed an extensive renovation to modify the building’s design and integrate all areas. The three-foot, brick, mortar, and steel bar-reinforced walls were removed, revealing an amazingly open and versatile space conducive to the creation of multiple exhibit areas.

The design team updated the building’s exterior while maintaining its historical significance. The new interior comes alive with exploration stations, interactive children’s exhibits, and a variety of living exhibits, dinosaurs, and mineral collections.

Features Include:

  1. 43,000-square-foot museum annex
  2. Updated exterior that maintains the building’s historical significance
  3. Exploration stations, interactive children’s exhibits, and a variety of living exhibits, dinosaurs, and mineral collections
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