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Harris County 1910 Courthouse
Harris County 1910 Courthouse
Harris County 1910 Courthouse
Harris County 1910 Courthouse
Harris County 1910 Courthouse
Harris County 1910 Courthouse
Harris County 1910 Courthouse
Harris County 1910 Courthouse
Harris County 1910 Courthouse
Harris County 1910 Courthouse
Harris County 1910 Courthouse

Harris County 1910 Courthouse

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Harris County 1910 Courthouse is the cornerstone of Houston’s downtown judicial campus. This 162,360-square-foot, six-story Palladian-style domed courthouse is considered one of the most significant judicial buildings in Texas.

The restoration process began with painstaking research, which revealed that most of the courthouse’s historic features were removed during an early restoration in 1950. To uncover the original structure, these changes would have to be reversed. PGAL designed a significant construction program to renovate both the building and exteriors, addressing the mid-century alterations along with additional widespread contaminants.

The First and Fourteenth Court of Appeals include accurate replicas of the Public Bench and the Judges Bench, using exact wood specifications plus updated technology and infrastructure for today’s judiciary needs. In keeping with this spirit of updated authenticity, the project integrated energy efficiency and sustainable building enhancements.

Before its restoration, the 1910 courthouse was dark and dreary, with inefficient use of space and outmoded technology. PGAL’s vision, talent, and skill rescued this neglected landmark, recreating its former glory and transforming it into a cutting edge business environment. Its beauty and majesty fittingly manifest the dignity of our rule of law. The First and Fourteenth Courts of Appeals and the citizens of Harris County are extraordinarily grateful. Congratulations, PGAL, on a magnificent job superbly done.

- Adele Hedges, Chief Justice, Fourteenth Court of Appeals

Features Include:

  1. Reversal of restorations, circa 1950, that removed many of the courthouse’s historic features
  2. Accurate replicas of the Public Bench and Judges Bench, equipped with modern technology
  3. Energy efficiency and sustainable building enhancements
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