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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas - Houston Branch

This 280,000-square-foot, four-story complex reflects the true stature and fiscal sensibility of the Federal Reserve Bank.

This smart working environment includes productive workspaces and state-of-the-art audiovisual and information technology systems. The bank building has an abundance of natural light, plus efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems.

Employees can access multiple conference and training rooms, two dining facilities, the cafeteria and kitchen, administrative offices, and a parking structure for 300 vehicles.

The Federal Bank also has its own data center for data processing and electronic payments, plus a vault, bulk storage, material handling systems, and currency residue disposal. Docks are included for the delivery of currency, coins, and checks.

Features Include:

  1. 280,000-square-foot, four-story Federal Reserve Bank complex
  2. Training rooms, two dining facilities, cafeteria and kitchen, administrative offices, and parking for 300 vehicles
  3. Data center for data processing and electronic payments
  4. Vault, bulk storage, material handling systems, currency residue disposal, and docks for the delivery of currency, coins, and checks
Volver Arriba