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College of Southern Nevada Henderson Campus Master Plan Update

College of Southern Nevada Henderson Campus Master Plan Update

As the largest and most ethnically diverse higher education institution in the state, College of Southern Nevada needed to upgrade to larger, more sophisticated facilities.

College of Southern Nevada selected PGAL to establish a physical planning framework that promotes the school’s unique character and learning environments.

PGAL provided a master plan to maximize the build-out of the existing 72-acre Henderson Campus. The project’s primary goal was to provide a much-needed sense of campus identity at the school’s main entry point.

Specializing in several programmatic areas, the Henderson Campus boasts a state-of-the-art computer lab, computerized classrooms, science labs, and an aviation lab. This location houses the school’s Air Conditioning Technology Program, which is nationally recognized by North American Technical Excellence (NATE) for its state-of-the-art technology and student opportunities.

Henderson Campus also houses the Southern Desert Regional Police Academy, where cadets and recruits are trained to enter law enforcement fields.

Features Include:

  1. Master plan for the 72-acre Henderson Campus
  2. State-of-the-art computer lab, computerized classrooms, science lab, aviation lab, and other specialized labs and classrooms
  3. Areas for the school’s Air Conditioning Technology Program, horticulture program, as well as the Southern Desert Regional Police Academy
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