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Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station
Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station

Florida International University Parking Garage 6 Tech Station

A clear departure from the featureless, one-purpose garages of the past, this seven-level mixed-use complex responds to multiple campus needs for Florida International University. The space provides greater access to parking, better access to public transportation, additional options for retail and services, and a visually appealing secondary campus landmark.

In addition to 2,100 new parking spaces, the new complex includes master planning for a future transportation hub that will accommodate local and rapid transit buses.

At the ground level, the garage has 51,500 square feet of retail and auxiliary space including a CrossFit gym, optical shop, central multipurpose mall-style corridor, and covered outdoor food kiosk with patio seating. Additional shell space will house a dry cleaner, pharmacy, business office, nutrition store, and a special needs daycare center. The space also includes five classrooms that can accommodate 350+ students, training labs, and meeting and conference rooms for the School of Computer Science and Information Technology.

The garage structure has a scissor ramp system with entrances and exits on the east and west to maximize affordability and space efficiency. Traffic lane direction can be reversed for faster exit during peak usage, and dual entry/exit locations reduce queuing and stacking.

A parking availability system gives visitors real time information using vehicle sensors and digital signage at each level and the main entrances. Metered parking with walk-up and pay-on-phone systems provides a short-term, ground-level access parking option for patrons.

Features Include:

  1. 2,100 new parking spaces
  2. Master planning for a future transportation hub
  3. Ground-level retail and auxiliary space
  4. Scissor ramp system for maximum affordability and space efficiency
  5. Parking availability system and short-term parking options
Volver Arriba