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Nevada State College Student Center

Nevada State College Breaks Ground on Two New Buildings

PGAL is celebrating with Nevada State College on the ground breaking of their new Nursing and Science Education Building + Student Activities and Administration Building with a ceremony to be held on Thursday January 16, 2014 at 10:00am. Nevada State College opened its doors to students in 2002 after the Board of Regents and the Nevada State Legislature determined the need for enhanced educational opportunities in Southern Nevada. PGAL takes pride in providing complete architectural services for these innovative facilities.

Faced with enrollment growing at a phenomenal rate, and with their current instructional classrooms being operated out of existing refurbished buildings, the Nevada State College needed to create a campus that would be able to accommodate it's anticipated 300% growth and provide a campus that reflects its' mission to, “foster excellence in healthcare by providing innovative and evidence-based education.”

PGAL is currently working with the College in providing complete architectural services for two new buildings: a 60,000 sf Nursing and Science Education Building that will provide classrooms for nursing, science and education departments, along with department offices and a 250 seat lecture hall; along with a 60,000 sf Student Activities and Administration Building to house student service departments, student activities, a multi-use ballroom facility, a library and information technology center, a bookstore and the Nevada State College Executive Administrative offices. Integrating these facilities into the existing Master Plan while harmoniously complimenting the exiting Liberal Arts and Science Buildings and surrounding desert environment, was paramount in PGAL's design that also includes site improvements to parking, sidewalks, plaza, and landscaping. Also included is a new Central Plant sized to accommodate future expansion on the campus.

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