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Institute of Healthy Living Jupiter

PGAL was tasked to provide architectural services for a tenant fit-out as well as minor base building modifications to the existing Building 1 of the Institute of Healthy Living in Jupiter.

This new high-end, 25,000-square-foot laboratory buildout project is within walking distance of the some of PGAL’s other projects such as Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience and Florida Atlantic University’s Jupiter Campus.

The Jupiter Center for Discovery will bring much needed high end laboratory space to Palm Beach County, a competitive edge that will attract more life science companies as they leave biotech hotspots like Cambridge, MA and Torrey Pines, CA. This building will accommodate approximately 50 researchers, in addition the facility will offer flexible early stage life science companies. This facility will provide more researchspecific space to attract research, biotech and life science tenants, as well as life science entrepreneurs.

Features Include:

  1. 25,000-square-foot laboratory buildout
  2. Accomodates approximately 50 researchers
  3. Provides more research-specific space to attract research, biotech and life science tenants, as well as life science entrepreneurs
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