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Government Center in Aventura FL

$3.9M Government Center Parking Garage Opens

Parking at the 90,512 SF Government Center in Aventura, FL, just got a whole lot easier with completion of a 3-level, 208 space garage on the tight site of an existing surface lot. The secured ground level is dedicated to Aventura Police Department parking with special space for fueling and equipping vehicles. The secured ground floor also contains a K9 area for police dogs and a vehicle processing area. Upper levels accommodate city staff and visitors. The PGAL design included elements that complement aesthetics of the adjacent Government Center, such as a glass curtainwall system enclosing the stairwells and elevator and pre-cast color reveals and patterns.

Ground level of the pre-cast parking garage includes a card access system and overhead coiling grilles to prevent public access to police areas.

Challenges overcome included creating a parking garage façade that is very aesthetically integrated with the neighboring, high-profile Government Center while respecting the budget parameters associated with a parking facility. Minimal construction staging space due to the compact site, difficult soil conditions and the garage's flood zone location were also successfully addressed.

Volver Arriba