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UM Sole Mia Parking Garage

University of Miami SoLé Mia Ambulatory Care Center Parking Garage

PGAL was selected to design this 330,000-square-foot, 1,090-space, open, non-sprinkled precast parking garage for the University of Miami’s world-class medical center at SoLé Mia. The design consists of a three-bay, four-level parking garage for valet, visitor and staff, with center ramp parking.

A speed ramp, for staff use only, is provided on the north side for access to level 3. There is one open stair tower at the SE corner. Two enclosed stairs are provided for egress in the NE and SW corners.

This garage will support the 7-story Ambulatory Care Center, Central Utility Plan (CUP) and Pedestrian Bridge.

Features Include:

  1. 1,090 parking spaces
  2. Center ramp parking
  3. Pedestrian bridge
Volver Arriba